Sunday, 30 December 2007

Met outlook

Time is few, so i am busy setting up for the Nats (and on OLC i can see the flying already going on at Gariep and New Tempe). The weather outlook for the contest period is very promising, so here goes:

Jan 2Excellent soaring day (the best, but then, it is the official practise day!!!)
3/8 at 16000ft; westerly 30kph dropping to 20 above 10000ft Max 35, trigger 32 4 - 5ms to 17000ft
Jan 3 - race day 1
Excellent 3/8 cu at 16000 - 19000ft; WNW at 40kph, Max 34.2, trigger at 31.3, 19000ft at 4 - 6 ms, with base at 16000ft
Jan 4 - race day 2
Excellent soaring, spread out? 5/8 1600 - 19000ft, wind W50kph - 3/8 cu at 16000ft Max temp 32.5, trigger at 29.4, 4 - 5.5ms to 19000ft
Jan 5 - race day 3
Blue to 14500ft - Wind W20, 31.7 with a trigger of 28.1, dp 1.1C3- 4 ms
Jan 6 - race day 4blue to 16500ft with a WSW wind of 20kph, Max 32.8, dp -3 trigger 29.4, 3.5 - 4.5ms to 16500ft
Jan 7 - race day 5
Bleu to 16000ft with a W wind at 20kph, Max 30.5, dp 3.1, trigger 27.5 3.5 - 4ms to 16000ft
Jan 8 - race day 6 OOPS
3/8 13600 - 19000ft with thermal tops at 12600ft, with wind NW 20 increasing with altitude, Ordinary storms cells possible, 27.4 dp 9.9 and trigger 26.6, expect 2 - 2.5ms to 11000ft
Jan 9 - race day 7
3/8 cloud from 11700 - 16500ft with a NW at 20kph, ordinary storm cells possible, hail possible, 27.8 dp 9.2, trigger at 26, 3 - 3.8 ms to 16000ft 3/8 cu bases at 13800ft tops at 16500ft
Jan 10 - race day 83/8 from 11600ft, tops 16500, thermal tops at 10500ft, wind NWN 30kph, ordinary storm cells forecasted, 26.5, dp 12, trigger 24.8, 2 - 2.5 ms to 10800ft with AC 3/8
from 12000ft with tops at 16800
Jan 11 - race day 9
3/8 11500ft tops at 14500ft, wind NW40 (W60 at 15000ft), storms cells possible, 28.4 dp 10.6, trigger 26.6, 3/8 AC from 13200 - 14200ft, 3 - 3.5ms to 13000ft
Jan 12 - race day 10
BLeu, wind NW30, thermals to 13800ft, 30, dp 6.6, trigger 27.6, expect 3 - 3.5ms to 13800ft

It is only a forecast ;-)


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