Monday, 23 February 2009

Not a fluke ... Leo does it again

Just to show that the flight last Thursday was no fluke, Leo does it again: 1057km at 140kph for a second day leading the OLC worldwide. Leo posted as follows
"A great ridge day after Thursday's exceptional ridge conditions only three days ago. Today was relatively weaker and with diverse weather segments along the course. The north end of the Sequatchie Valley saw snow in the AM hours with white-out conditions. The south end was blue all day. Cloudbases for the transitions to/from Lookout Mountain on the first pass were more challenging than Thursday. PM brought some gorgeous streeting to the west of the Sequatchie. Amazing weather for February. Bodes well for the rest of the Appalachians this Spring."
The link is at
Great going for the JS1 (and you will need one to keep up with Leo) If you want to order one:

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