Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Ocana and other stories

Today is day 3 of the British Overseas Nationals in Ocana, Spain. It must surely rate as one of the nicests contest to fly in - Gary Stingemore in a 29E is leading, but in 4th place in a 19 is Rose Johnson, with hubby Iain in a LS4 in 6th place (all of them have lots of frequent flyer airmiles to New Tempe, South Africa)

On day 4 is the Austrian Gliding Grand Prix - there Heimo Demmerer took 1st place on day 1, and overall in the lead is Eduard Supersperger, Heimo second and Wolfgang Janowitsch in third The results are at and there is live tracking (using Silent Wings) for those with time and bandwidth on their hands.

The summer in the north is definitely picking up speed ;-)


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