Monday 19 January 2009

Chilean QGP - Day 1

It was a magical flight, concluded with an ovation by his fellow competitors, all of whom had by then been retrieved. Uli Schwenk was the only finisher on day one of the Chilean GP. His wife, Elke, has a running commentary at, but you have to be able to follow the German.
Live tracking available using Silent Wings viewer - the terrain file is huge 1.8gig!!
Day 2 was1. Foltin, 2. Schwenk, 3. Rocca, 4. Holighaus, 5. Kaufmann, 6. Gostner, 7. Gaude, 8.Errazuriz,9. Rodriguez, 10. Janssen, according to Elke, but no published results on the official website?

Back home, Jonker Sailplanes are well advanced with the development of their (dual) jet engined JS1! see


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