Saturday 5 January 2008

Saturday 4 Jan - still day 1

Hi everyone, it has been a bit hectic, hence the lack of postings. We are still on day 1, three days into the contest. Both the first and the second days were bedevilled by rapidly developing CuNimbs which, on both days brought launching to a halt, followed, after deliberations by the CD, Jacques van Wyk, and task setter, Dick Bradley, of the cancellation of the day. Yesterday the race was to get the gliders safely derigged (or hangered) before the hail bearing CuNimb was upon us. I was towing back in light rain and half an hour later it was hailing. Though it was a light hail, everyone was glad to be safely on the ground. In the late after noon the skies in the distant west looked clear - and ever optimistic - we are looking forward to a good days flying today.


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