Saturday, 27 February 2010

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

A Sunday to remember, thermic, convergence, ridge, seabreeze, wave - all in one flight

31 January was a good day to be flying (and training). Though i fell down and had to beat an undignified retreat from Badsberg, and had to run downwind to the convergence line well east of the airfield, i managed to climb back up again, and then played around in the convergences at Jonaskop and Greyton, before heading northwards via Waaihoek and Witzenberg, to run past Renosterhoek to the edge of the seabreeze coming in from Langebaan. (Tough discipline not to go down onto the ridges, but I don't think i will see much ridge running in the next few contests) On the way home i climbed back up into wave (at 3m/s to FL85) I took some pictures along the way.

Looks just like Italy

the convergence at Jonaskop

Way north, the western edge of the cloud, meeting up with the seabreeze

A beer for anyone who can identify this little strip.

Approaching the Witzenberg on the way to FAWC - it does not often get better than this. Later on in the flight I am able to climb in wave to FL85 and go further east again.