Monday, 30 March 2009

Autumn and all that ...

I had a very nice flight of a winch launch (still a novel feature of gliding at Worcester) and ended running the convergences and sea breezes down to Swellendam and Stormsvlei. Flew myself into a bit of a corner on the way back ... and the day shut down early. Definitely a bite in the air as the sun sets.

in the morning the low cloud was sitting on the western slopes of the mountain passes, and in the late afternoon one could see them flowning over the mountain tops with the higher cu beginning to decay.
In the meanwhile, and in another hemishpere, it is spring. In Vinon EX (flown by Volker Fiebig) has just posted his first flight on Friday - SOOO wish i was there.
And further West, in an ASW 27 Jim (Jet Pilot) Payne has clocked 1602km at an average of 166kph (no, no 27 has, as yet, been fitted with any propulsion, let alone a jet turbine)

Friday, 27 March 2009


From OLC
"Checked with Hannes Linke about it, and this is the message he sent...
'Unfortunately, the rumors you have heard, are correct. The winners of the last cycle of the BHC will come to the Flying-M- Ranch this June and this is the end of a 30 year affair. Hannes Linke'
What a great run of exceptional soaring experiences the place has had. Sad to see it disappear."

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Mieke at the airfield

Mieke, as Kara did the previous time, patiently waits as Dad is instructing.

This from the Weekend News:

"Sven’s daughter, Mieke, who may soon be following the footsteps of her father."

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Back at the ranch - some dedication

Back at work after a very exciting week at Tswalu - still recovering from flying the JS1.

Back at the ranch EX underwent some refurbishment - it really takes some dedication to put the fuselage into the sitting room.

Ulf and Volker will soon be in Vinon. Enjoy.


Saturday, 14 March 2009

Sunday, 8 March 2009



Over the wing and clouds over the Peninsula - will help the Argus cyclists

Leaving on a jetplane

The melody runs through my head. By nightfall i should be at Tswalu

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Mark Hensman - Smoke On

A good aerobatic video of one of our own glider pilots, Mark Hensman flying the MX2 in South Africa, Cape Town. Smoke On for the first time!!